This was iconic right! Most of us remember Oprah giving away a plethora of free stuff each year during her favorite things episode. As the show evolved she used this episode as a way to highlight people who had gone above and beyond. One episode was full of expectant mothers, another was full of teachers. Not once did the world say wait a minute, what did each teacher do to deserve that car. They were just excited! When it comes to the idea of awarding digital badges many people see it through the "everyone gets a trophy" lens. I personally don't have a problem with everyone getting a trophy. For me it is about socioemotional health. The idea of recognizing all students is one that appeals to me. In today's education system, there are a large number of students who go through the day unnoticed. They do what you ask, when you ask, within the parameters that you have set. Digital badges will allow educators to acknowledge the accomplishments of those students. Why sho...